Eighteen Recognized for Athletic Faculty Appreciation Night

Eighteen Recognized for Athletic Faculty Appreciation Night

Fairfield, Calif. - Eighteen Solano College faculty members were recognized for Athletic Faculty Appreciation Night on Wednesday between the men's and women's basketball games.

Those honored were chosen by Solano student-athletes, having made an impact on their education at Solano College and helping them reach their academic goals.

Below are the Solano faculty that were invited to the event:

Will Martinelli
Evangeline East
Greg Poff
Robin Sytsma
Michael Goodwin
James Word
Keith Twitchell
Ana Petero
Bailey Schentrup
Joshua Scott
Sarah McKinnon
Heather Ringo
Sarah Donovan
David Schrumpf
Laura Maghoney
Kathleen Conrad
Michelle Arce
Rachel Purdie