Solano beats Marin to stay perfect in conference play

Solano beats Marin to stay perfect in conference play

Solano defeated Marin College in Kentfield tonight.  25-12, 25-17, 25-16

Hannah DelRio had 11 kills at the net with 3 blocks

Malia Decelle added 11 kills as well with 7 digs

AJ Projillo led the defense with 14 digs, serving 12-13 with 3 aces

Lexi Vasquez added to the defense with 13 digs, serving 15-15 with 2 aces

Lana Johansen chipped in 9 kills and 1 block

Meya Islas served a perfect game with 10-10 and an ace

Breanna Davis ran the offense with 31 assist, serving 13-14


We played really consistent with a new line up.  We had to play without one of our setters, but still worked out well with Davis running a 5-1 offense and Projillo picking  up all the digs in the back row.


BVC 6-0

Overall 18-5


Friday we will host American River a non-conference game at 6pm.  The falcons are excited to get a top caliber team to host In the middle of season.  We look forward to the challenge.